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Nicole Scherzinger in Men in Black 3

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Our leather “Lily” dress featured on Nicole Scherzinger in MIB3.

We were thrilled to be asked to create the leather dress worn by the villain, Lily Poison,  in Men in Black 3 aka MIB3.

Even better,  was that the costume designer chose one of our original designs!   Which was very helpful when we had to make 4 of these dresses in less than a week, customized for various stunt work (flying!) and double’s sizes.

Brought to life by Nicole Scherzinger,  the dress was re-christened “Lily” after her character.  Nicole wears a Mini version of the original, cocktail length from our Adventurine Collection  in MIB3.  We Currently make this dress as Made-to-Order in standard sizes and can also Custom Make this  – in any leather or length you’d want.

 This was a fun, fast and furious project and the costume designer Mary Vogt and her team have always been great to work with & I love the future-retro-bombshell look that resulted!

And the best part was that the movie’s opening shot is a long, lean,  pan up the back of Nicole’s legs – to the bustle back of the dress – to the large tattoo featured across the back of Lily’s bare shoulders – Whoa!

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