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Custom Made ‘Clint’ Pinstriped Leather Jeans.

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These Pinstriped leather jeans owe their inspiration to my love of Westerns…

I’ve always loved Westerns, and the ones that inspire me run the gamut – from ‘Once upon a Time in the West’ (really, all the Spaghetti Westerns) & ‘The Unforgiven’ to ‘The Proposition’ to ‘The Good the Bad and the Weird’ – this last one perfectly combines my love of Korean films AND Westerns – plus it has a killer soundtrack-what more could you ask for?  (I highly recommend it!)

I’ve made these pinstriped leather jeans for both men and women and they are striking no matter what. 

The pinstripes are individually stitched & hand-guided through the leather.  This makes it possible to do any color combination or direction of pin-striping to suit each specific design and garment layout.   I’ve even created a classic 3-Piece suit in leather using this technique. 

When creating a pair of custom mens leather pants, of any style,  I first create 1-2  cotton muslin fitting toilés for the client to try.  No matter whether I am working in-person or remotely – after the measurements, this is always where a perfectly fitted and personally proportioned garment is truly developed.

If I work with you remotely I ask that you are able to provide a series of  clear – well lit, and straight on on photos, and follow a few instructions.  Sometimes this may entail pinning a little, testing everything in movement, marking up obvious adjustments – sometimes you can do it by yourself, but most of the time having your tailor or a third person help you is the way to go. Especially for pants.

In-person,  the process is more or less the same – I just take care of everything when I see you in the studio!  

Once the fit and all details on the pants design are chosen and the fit confirmed.  The pattern is finalized, the leather is cut and for these jeans – I next carefully mark the pieces for the stripes and & the matching of the stripes. I can work this technique on any color leather & with any color thread – full bodied or heavier leathers work best so it’s an ideal treatment for jeans. 

Both pairs of pinstriped leather jeans shown here feature a classic white pinstripe but on 2 very different leathers – the women’s pair is a grainy, matte, off-black cowhide and the men’s is in a shinier, grainy, true black. The effect is different on each.  The difference in contrast makes the men’s version of  my pinstriped leather jeans a little more ‘formally’ rugged….where I think the women’s pair looks more worn and almost vintage.

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