The Quiet Luxury of a Bespoke Leather Car Coat

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This  bespoke leather car coat takes dapper to another level. 

It’s truly multi-purpose style in a rich, glossy olive cowhide. 

This coat is classically based, drawing its inspiration from the lines and proportions of a mod Crombie coat.  (As in Mods vs. Rockers – with a teeny bit of rocker thrown in via zipper detailing)

The client is a former Rocker of a later era,  so it’s perfectly fitting. The classic basis of the cut and the length, together make it an incredibly versatile style, as you can see by my model/clients styling choices – all his!

In addition to the gunmetal zipper detailing, this particular coat is lined in a rich flannel back satin.  This adds some warmth without adding bulk,  so this coat will have real 3 season seasonal wearability here in NYC, and take him thru colder climes.  With our standard silk or cupro linings this becomes a Fall and Spring coat.  

This particular leather, breaks in very differently than many other types of leather due to its glossy, waxy finish.  It will retain its refined look for a very long time. So it’s especially good for pieces that are a little more ‘dressed’. It’s not a leather that will get very distressed looking, ever. 

I have used this leather after washing and tumbling it –  becomes a very, very different look – dull and mottled.  Very aged and rugged looking.  But washing and tumbling is not a terribly controllable or consistent effect.  So I only use it when the client is very clear that this is the look they want and consistency is not important.

A leather car coat is super versatile, and the choice of leather can dramatically change the look, feel and mood of the final project.

If this leather had been “distressed” by treating it as above, I would have designed a different coat.  To me, that’s the beauty and fun of designing –  especially in my bespoke work.  I am very inspired by both my client’s personal style and the choices of leathers and other materials they are drawn to – this informs each bespoke piece I create.

When I designed my RTW lines,  while I incorporated some trends, they were mainly mostly proportion and silhouette based.  I’ve never been a believer in this week’s flavor or flaunting labels.  I have no problem with going dramatic,  but that’s me – it’s not for everybody (don’t get me wrong – I love when a client takes the plunge).  My private clientele tends to go for the more classic, quiet luxury.

It never gets of boring or staid –  in fact, it’s just the opposite.  An innate sense of each individual’s personal style stands out in each project.  The fit and the ease of wear, the way a custom garment moves with the individual there is just something  ineffable about it, but you can see and feel it.

It’s not about chasing that “must-have” Item.  It’s about that Forever Item. This bespoke leather car coat is one of those.



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